Thursday, March 7, 2019

Restore some bathroom zen

In my last post I talked about my first stage of decluttering which was my wardrobe, I quickly moved onto the bathroom, now my bathroom is small like the rest of our home! With limited storage,  I don't have any photos to share as it's got to be my least favourite room in the house, it needs a make-over,  well more than that really it needs ripping out and starting again but there's no pennies for that at the moment. However I will happily say it's organised and clutter free. So here I want to share with you my tips on ditching the bathroom clutter.

You will need the following items:

* A cloth and bathroom cleaner
* Rubbish & recycling bag
* Storage baskets
* A dry cloth to give everything the once over before putting items back again.
* An eco cloth for cleaning mirrors and shower doors.

Then the fun starts!

1. You need to take stock of how many shampoo, conditioners, shower gels that you actually need, it's time to get ruthless and take stock of what you have so clear out the cabinet and shower caddy and start to place just one item of the products you use on a regular basis. Now I am not suggesting you throw away any surplus products just store them away and use them up.

2. The same goes with your make-up and cosmetics most make-up should only be kept for a year, mascara 3-6 months. Cleansers and toners usually 12-18 months so its time to go through your make-up bag and get rid of any old make-up, ask yourself what items do I use on a regular basis, which items suit me?  Make a pile of those items anything else yep it time to get rid.  With your cleansers and toners etc, only keep the items you use if there is anything else that you have had for a while or brought as an impulse purchase it's time to get rid.

3. Decide on a reasonable number of towels for your family and keep only ones you are using on the towel rail any others keep them stored away and if you buy new ones get rid of the old ones. Don't get storing them at the back of the airing cupboard.. charity shops or even homeless hostels are always grateful for donated towels.

4. The medicine cabinet pain killers, creams, ointments all have expiry dates on them and don't last as long as you think when I went through our medicine box I found some truly shocking out of date meds. There are some useful storage boxes online which are great for storing items to keep them neatly stored away.  Make sure you check any prescriptions no-one is using as these can be dangerous and are just creating clutter.

5. Hair accessories go through any hair bands, bobby pins, head bands etc, make sure they are all being used. Time to throw away anything that may be broken how annoying is it to grab an overstretched hair tie in a hurry! Time to get rid of those.

6. Appliances the idea of a foot spa was great but if its taking up too much space in your bathroom and collecting dust it's time to let it go.

7.  Cleaning products use up what you have, it does take quite a while to get through a cleaning bottle, don't be tempted to stock pile on cleaning items and chuck out the gross old cleaning cloths.

8. Kids stuff i'm so glad my kids have now grown out of bath toys! Oh the clutter they can create. Keep only the ones they play with and keep them stored away if it's not bath time.

9.  Storage use the available storage you have for the items you really need, store older products to the front so they get used up.

10. Travel size and samples, use them up. I used to keep them for the next time I travel but they easily got forgotten about. So try and make sure you use them or donate them to charity or a homeless shelter.

With these tips I am confident you will get your bathroom into a clutter free zone. Give it a deep clean I love Method Bathroom Cleaner Spray 828ml  to clean my bathroom it smells fresh and clean, use Eco cloths  to clean mirrors and shower doors.

Time to create some zen -

If you can treat yourself to a plant, aromatherapy candles and soaps, I love these products by Pure Thoughts I discovered Leanna's brand on instagram, the 'peace meditation candle' will be ideal for creating some zen in the bathroom, it contains lavender which helps to improve sleep and restore emotional wellbeing. Plus I just love the simplicity of the amber glass jar to help create some luxury in your bathroom.

I have recently switched to soaps in my attempt for the kids and I to use less chemicals and reduce plastic, these soaps contain uplifting essential oils and no nasties. Win, win!

So the last thing on the list now is to set yourself a pamper date to enjoy the space you have worked hard to make clutter free and relaxing.

Oh and if there is anything I should add to the list to restore some bathroom zen please let me know in the comments section below.

Cathy xoxo

* this post may contain affiliate links you can read my disclosure on the side bar.

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